This page features a partial list of Prolingua's curriculum offerings. Most of our texts are made up of single page lessons, which can easily be assembled to suit classes of any length, including one hour private lessons, short seminars, intensive and long term extensive lessons. Single page materials are flexible so that lessons on different subjects can be combined to suit the learning needs of any class.
Students relate to the convenience and user friendliness of our single page lessons far more readily than to lengthy off-the-shelf textbooks, which they are unlikely to ever finish. All Prolingua lessons are highly interactive and use our proprietary teaching techniques which include the Immediate Feedback Patterned Answer Drill (IFPAD®), Story Guides, and Microtexts. To see these materials in action, ask us for a free demonstration lesson.
Business Decision Game
(TOEIC 550 to 990) Mini case studies designed to teach logical problem solving as well as western business thinking. Requires students to summarize, justify opinions and debate. Similar texts are used in U.S. MBA programs.
"The Business Decision Game text really taught me a lot about business decision making and about western business. I had never experienced this type of lesson before."
"Justifying answers is hard work. I think it is great practice for business meetings because it forces me to express my ideas clearly. I also gain confidence when I get the right answer."
"This is real business English. I like this text because it gives me good speaking practice."
Executive Monologues
(TOEIC 550 to 990) Gives powerfully useful business and management information that is written in the first person narrative to give students the feeling of spoken English. Topics include management, information technology, marketing, and human resources. This text is designed to improve listening, speaking and writing skills. Includes IFPAD®.
"Great text. I learned a lot of useful things. I want to do more of this type of training."
"The subjects are very interesting. This is good business training."
Data Presentation
(TOEIC 500 to 990) Designed to help students talk about numerical data clearly and with confidence by giving ample practice with a wide variety a data types. Topics include trends, chart presentations, correcting mistakes, approximations, and buying and selling. Explaining Data is an entire series of single paged lessons and exercises spanning over 70 pages. Includes IFPAD®, Story Guides and Data Blocks.
"Very useful. I really needed this course."
"There is a lot of practice using numbers in this course, almost too much, but I have to admit, that it was good for me."
Executive Briefing
(TOEIC 500-750) - An intermediate level text in which students learn how to explain and discuss detailed factual information. The lesson features a paragraph containing statistical information which the students listen to and then answer IFPAD® questions about. Students then summarize the information with a Story Guide.
Situational Role Playing: Working For Scribbo
(TOEIC 550 to 990) Simulation type lessons that put the student in various meeting situations in which they have to respond quickly and appropriately to questions. Meetings include: marketing, planning, scheduling, pricing, etc. Includes IFPAD®.
All Skills Course
(TOEIC 450 to 850) This comprehensive course covers all key language skills including speaking, listening comprehension, pronunciation and grammar, and includes sections on e-mail, cross culture, common grammar errors, and explaining data, etc. All Skills adheres to Prolingua’s learning through doing approach, while enlarging students’ knowledge of the business world.
Situational Role Playing: A Business Trip To Los Angeles - (TOEIC 450 to 700) Simulation type lessons that put the student in various travel situations in which they have to respond quickly and appropriately to questions. Situations include: making an appointment, at customs, checking in to a hotel, at a restaurant, at a sales presentation, price negotiations and more. Includes IFPAD®.
True Stories
(TOEIC 400 to 600) Students listen to a simplified paragraph of factual information presented in chronological order and then answer IFPAD® questions. Afterwards, students use a Story Guide to retell all of the information in the passage. Also contains vocabulary and discussion questions. This text is an excellent bridge for students who have a theoretical understanding of English grammar but who lack confidence in using English for practical purposes.
"These stories are fun and very good training for me. I'd like to do more of these in the future."
"Very good practice and very interesting. Retelling the story is hard work."
Business Talk
(TOEIC 400 to 750) Integrated lessons on essential business skills.
- 1) Meeting People
- 2) Telephoning
- 3) Company Presentation
- 4) Product Descriptions
- 5) Reporting
- 6) Socializing
- 7) Meetings
- 8) Making Arrangements
- 9) Trends. Includes IFPAD®.
Situational Role Playing: Office Scenes
(TOEIC 400 to 650) Simulation type lessons that put the student in various office situations in which they have to respond quickly and appropriately to questions from foreign staff. Situations include: checking on a shipment, answering the phone, asking for help etc. Includes IFPAD®.
Numbers Training
(TOEIC 300 to 990) Numbers are the key part of every business transaction, including price, quantity, delivery date, interest rate and bank account number. Help your company avoid expensive mistakes with numbers by requesting this short course. Features dictation, computation questions and IFPAD®.
"I really needed this for my work. I wish I had this kind of training five years ago."
"So much practice! Numbers IFPAD® is really hard but very useful."
"Using numbers in English used to be very difficult for me. Now I am much more confident."
"I didn't know how bad I was with numbers. I improved a lot."
Interactive Dialogs
(TOEIC 300 to 550) Students memorize a dialog which has blanks for them to insert their own personal information, thus allowing creativity. Topics are highly useful for low level students and include first meetings, time, starting social conversations, asking about price, giving directions, and nationalities. Includes simple IFPAD® questions.
Elementary Story Guides+IFPAD®
(TOEIC 300 to 500) students make simple monologs using a list of guide words on topics such as self-introductions, dates, responsibilities, and schedules.
Picture Talk
(TOEIC 250 to 550) Pictures showing typical business activities in which students must describe the action in past, present and future tenses. Great introductory text for lower level students.
Advanced Managerial English
(TOEIC 750 to 990) Students learn essential skills and techniques for managing English speaking business people in the global environment. Specific techniques are taught to make speech more polite and professional sounding. Other topics include persuasion skills, debate skills, "One Minute Management" techniques, body language techniques, cross-culture information, handling difficult questions, selling skills,and management teamwork activities. There are numerous workshop exercises throughout the seminar to provide opportunities to put into practice the things that have been learned.
(TOEIC 600 to 990) Professional Buying and Selling - This seminar will give students the language skills they need to negotiate successfully in English. Students learn how to take orders, make offers, compromise, turn down offers and negotiate prices using both polite and strong language. Negotiation strategies are based on those taught at the Harvard School of Business. Numerous negotiation techniques are presented including shoot high, shoot straight, take-it-or-leave-it, good guy/bad guy and escalation. Students are encouraged to try out these strategies during the many negotiation game exercises. Special IFPAD® lessons are also a component of this course.
(TOEIC 600 to 990) This seminar teaches students to make clear and well organized business presentations having maximum impact. Topics include preparation, delivery techniques, using visual aids, methods for reducing nervousness, recovering from mistakes, organization, introductions, conclusions, answering questions and avoiding common mistakes. Additionally, there are numerous workshop exercises throughout the seminar in which students will have an opportunity to put into practice the things that they have learned. This course offers a wide variety of very practical and easy to implement techniques that are presented in a concise, easy-to-understand format. Presentation IFPAD® questions accompany this seminar.
Organizing Information
(TOEIC 600 to 990) This text shows students the most common ways of organizing information for use in business reports, correspondence and presentations. Specifically, students will learn how to organize persuasive arguments, make concise announcements, use the part/function/description formula, use the features/benefits formula for selling, organizing information using outlines, using words to show time, logical and textual relationships. There are numerous exercises throughout the seminar to give students ample practice using these techniques.
Other Prolingua Texts
- Pronunciation & Conjugation (TOEIC 200-900)
- Elementary Microtexts (250-450)
- Picture Talk (TOEIC 250-550)
- Elementary Story Guides (300-500)
- Interactive Dialogs + IFPAD® (300-550)
- Numbers (300-990)
- Questions and Answers (350-600)
- Elementary All Skills (350-600)
- Vocabulary Games (350-750)
- IFPAD® Key Structures (400-800)
- Q and A - Master List (400-800)
- Business Talk + IFPAD® (400-750)
- Situational Role Playing + IFPAD® - Office Scenes (400-650)
- E-Mail Short Course - (400-750)
- True Stories - (400-750)
- TOEIC Preparation Test (400-900)
- Meetings (450-850)
- All Skills Course (450-850)
- Story Guides (450-900)
- Situational Role Playing + IFPAD® - Trip to L.A. (450-700)
- Grammar Guides (500-700)
- Fluency Challenge Games (500-800)
- Executive Briefing + IFPAD® (500-800)
- Active Speaking Workshop (500-900)
- Speaking Exercises + Notes (500-900)
- Conversation Skills (500-900)
- Vocabulary Tests (500-900)
- Cross-Culture (500-990)
- Numbers + Questions + IFPAD® (500-990)
- Reduction (500-990)
- Business Skills (550-700)
- Teleconferencing (550-990)
- Scenario IFPAD® (550-900)
- Language Functions (550-900)
- E-Mail Workshop - (550-990)
- Executive Monologs + IFPAD® (550-990)
- Polite Speech (550-990)
- Situational Role Playing + IFPAD® - Scribbo (550-990)
- Vocabulary Builder (550-990)
- Business Decision Game (550-990)
- Advanced Business Dialogs (600-990)
- Negotiation Games (600-900)
- SOFTEN - Body Language (600-900)
- Advanced Discussion Topics (650-990)
Prolingua also can provide lessons in other foreign languages. Please contact us for more information.
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