- 10 points - Impossible
- 20 points - Very difficult
- 30 points - Difficult; Responses are slow with many errors
- 40 points - Not too difficult; Some grammar errors but meaning is clear
- 50 points - Easy; Infrequent and minor errors only
Finished? Now total up your score and find your level on the chart below. The chart will also give you an idea of what your TOEIC score is. Your true TOEIC score is probably within plus or minus 100 points.
Your total score is: 0 points
Self-Assessment Level Chart |
900-1000: Very Advanced - Near native speaker fluency. Grammar errors are minor and infrequent. |
800-900: Advanced - Communicates intended meaning in almost all cases. Grammar errors are minor. Able to persuade and justify opinions. |
700-800: High Intermediate - Good fluency, but may take time to complete a sentence. Occasional misuse of grammar and vocabulary. Able to express opinions and give reasons. |
600-700: Intermediate - Can sustain a conversation on topics that are not too complex. Able to use some complex grammar, but still makes errors. Intended meaning usually clear. |
500-600: Low Intermediate - Can converse with difficulty on simple topics. Makes frequent grammar errors. Vocabulary limited. |
400-500: High Beginner - Conversations are hesitant and short: Intended meaning often unclear; expression limited; numerous grammar errors. |
300-400: Beginner - Can respond to simple questions, but struggles to communicate basic meaning. Sentences are often incomplete. |
200-300: Low Beginner - Mostly unable to communicate basic meaning. Produces multiword utterances only. |